One more chapter in the fifty-year, or more, unstoppable move by the US military/industrial complex, to reshape the world according to the dogma of Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics. The much discussed New World Order that actually makes the new order of the Axis Powers so long ago, seem relatively unimportant.
One more chapter in the fifty-year, or more, unstoppable move by the US military/industrial complex, to reshape the world according to the dogma of Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics. The much discussed New World Order that actually makes the new order of the Axis Powers so long ago, seem relatively unimportant.
One more chapter in the fifty-year, or more, unstoppable move by the US military/industrial complex, to reshape the world according to the dogma of Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics. The much discussed New World Order that actually makes the new order of the Axis Powers so long ago, seem relatively unimportant.