Does anyone today still advocate "responsibility to protect"? Kevin Rudd? Gareth Evans? Tony Blair?

Could they explain why "responsibilty to protect" only applies to military intervention, and not to taking in refugees, giving financial help? Why limit the responsibility to only one of the many possible modes? I'd be genuinely interested in learning their views.

Also, why doesn't responsibility to protect ever apply to intervening in the affairs of other Western countries? Why hasn't Australia done anything to end capital punishment in the US? Please, could they explain?

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The truth again about what is really guised as "humanitarian" or "democracy" which are nothing but "Buzzwords" for the propagandized people of the West. There is never a moralistic reason for the US or British intervention in another country's governments. It is nothing but greed where the filthy rich use the resources and blood of the poor to get richer. These are criminals and Mass Murdering Sociopaths nothing more.

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Thank you for the link. I have filed it in my Milton Friedman Chicago School folder. I see in the link Perkins is accused of being a conspiracist, but of course anyone calling out the system is going to get that or worse. The crimes committed in the Southern Cone took many years to come out. At this point in my life, what I have learned is nothing is unthinkable when it comes to those who value power and money above all else. You may be interested in The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein if you have never read it, an awesome piece of journalism.

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"More than decade ago, Libya had a strong, competent, if highly repressive, central government under dictator Muammar Gaddafi."

Nobody likes a highly repressive dictator

except for those installed by a US backed military coup

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Like expressing a touching sympathy for the plight of an orphan, whilst conveniently neglecting to mention that you murdered both that orphan's parents in cold blood.

Cynical even by the standards of the BBC.

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It is so repugnant the deeds past and present of those who supposedly represent us who are supposedly democratic. A much abused term usually used as cover for corporate fascism. This veneer seems thankfully to be wearing thin at least on those who care enough to seek truth. Our psychopathic leaders are inflicting endless misery on this world

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Derna's vulnerability to flooding has been previously well-documented. It has had major floods in 1942, 1959, 1968 and 1986.

Abdelwanees A. R. Ashoor, (Omar Al-Mukhtar University in Albeida, Libya). Warned:

"The current situation in the Wadi Derna basin requires officials to take action Immediate measures to carry out periodic maintenance of existing dams. A huge flood, the result will be catastrophic . . ." (Ashoor 2022)

The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) assessed in its peer reviewed report:

“There is low confidence about peak flow trends over past decades on the global scale . . .”

“a low confidence in general statements to attribute changes in flood events to anthropogenic climate change . . .”

“Attributing changes in heavy precipitation to anthropogenic activities cannot be readily translated to attributing changes in floods to human activities . . .”

“there is low confidence about human influence on the changes in high river flows on the global scale . . .”

For floods in Africa specifically, the IPCC says:

"On a continental scale, a decrease seems to dominate in Africa (Tramblay et al. 2020)"

This event would have always happened. It was compounded by the woeful state of Libya's politics, a result of western 'intervention' or more honestly an unprovoked brutal attack on a sovereign state.

Man's impact on the environment to its detriment is a given. But this flood cannot be attributed to 'Climate Change' whatever that is these days according to (ugh! I hesitate to use the term) 'the science'. Not Climate but direct human negligence.

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BBC's contempt for Libya doesn't surprise me. To add even more context, Gaddafi was born to a family of poor camel herders out in the desert when his country was still under British occupation, and the first thing he did as a young man was join the British army for military training as an officer; he of course then went on to use that training against the British themselves to liberate his own country from them!

As you might expect from a man of such background as a leader, his list of transgressions against his country's former masters are many. He also wanted to create a new gold-backed currency to be used not only by Libya, but other African states, that from what I recall had already received endorsement from some members of the Arab League. It would have threatened the value of not only the Euro, but also the almighty Dollar—no wonder they did what they did to him.

He spoke of pan-African unity, and in Ethiopia he was crowned "King of Kings" by a committee of traditional leaders. King of Kings, indeed; you don't get Augustus-type leaders like him very often. I highly recommend people read into him and his achievements as a leader, as it not only dispels all the propaganda, but is quite inspiring and shows that what can seem impossible—in this case, it was sovereignty, breaking the chains of Great Britain, uplifting an impoverished country and so forth all against incredible odds—really can be possible.

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Libya was business as usual for the U.S. The invasion of Iraq was bogus, international weapons inspectors found no WMDs. Inspector Scott Ritter was on my regional NPR station explaining this numerous times. Think about the Southern Cone, the overthrow of Allende, CIA involvement and support of murderous juntas in the 1970s. This is what we do, and most people are oblivious to the facts. I pay little attention to mainstream news, there's little truth there. I would also like to point out infrastructure is weak here. I collected some links about the state of our dams. Thousands are aged and have issues, and none were built to withstand the kind of rainstorms climate change is bringing. Ditto for our electricity grid.

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I am not sure how well known the book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confessions_of_an_Economic_Hit_Man is but it provides some general background to the disussions here.

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A few years ago I was tutoring the children of a Libyan businessman here in the UK. He told me tearfully, the "Nato had destroyed" his country. And of course, we must not forget that the complicity between British security services and Libyan jihadists led to the free pass given to the Manchester bomber. People really need to wake up.

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Many thanks. This explanation of what is really happening was badly needed.

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Mainstream media play the tunes they are given by the great powers and the ignorance insures we never learn anything while loyalties to criminal governments are maintained.

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One more chapter in the fifty-year, or more, unstoppable move by the US military/industrial complex, to reshape the world according to the dogma of Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics. The much discussed New World Order that actually makes the new order of the Axis Powers so long ago, seem relatively unimportant.

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It was a typical foul, the illegally competing American coward/tyrant tackling the bold Libyan freedom fighter who rightfully wanted to trade oil in his new currency, not in USD. United Satanic America has achieved to have ruined the most prosperous and freest African country, turning it into a hellhole.


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Absolutely scathing and brilliant. In Italy, we got no news before the international media looped in. Italy is far from innocent here.

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They are all as guilty as sin, or Satan, if you will. Russia and China are about the only innocent countries out there to save the day, with their righteous defensive war against the Satanic West. Look to the East! Just like in the Lord of the Rings movie ... LOL! Sunrise, who needs sunsets anyway, ha?

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