Just wrote a comment. But where is it?

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As you correctly noted, there was a deafening silence in the western media after this incredibly scandalous explosion. Anyone with a little understanding of western press behaviour could see that the usual noise was missing. Usual immediate accusations against Russia in high pitch were missing, the field was quiet, except for some timid tries to imply Russian culpability. There was no doubt about whom they were protecting . Europe was strangely silent. Germany acted overwhelmed. All moves to 'fog' this crime were made. No country was willing to speak out. There was no doubt about whom they were protecting. Only the US could order such press obedience.

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Let's not forget that now that we are supplying Europe with natural gas, our heating bills have gone through the roof. Yet, nobody asks why.

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thanks for stating the obvious truth.

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The truth will out.... Eventually.

US /CIA biggest warmongering destabilising terrorists in the world.

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"Hersh reports: 'Officials in Germany, Sweden, and Denmark had decided shortly after the pipeline bombings to send teams to the site to recover the one mine that has not gone off. [Holger] said they were too late; an American ship had sped to the site within a day or two and recovered the mine and other materials.'”

How did the U.S., Germany, Sweden, or Denmark know "shortly after the pipeline bombings" that there was an unexploded mine to recover if they neither participated in the sabotage nor knew of the plans to destroy the pipelines?

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"Canadian environmentalists"? Like the Green Party? The Canadian Parliament is four-square behind endless war - even if it does end in a nuclear winter. Utter unsanity...

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Great article. Western news media today is a huge, stinking piece of faecal matter. Unbelievable. And they have the gall to pretend being honest, while smearing the real journalists who work on independent media. But Hersh is a very big fish and people all over the world are aware of his coverage of the attack.

Unfortunately, there are many millions of idiots in Europe who swallow everything "journalists" and pundits say. Here in Portugal we could replace, say, 99% of the commentators and "analysts" by just one, because they all say the same thing (and their alleged knowledge of geopolitical or economic matters is laughable).

If any proof was needed that the "Collective West" is in its final stages, it's this: people are living in an alternate reality and happily marching towards the cliff. The hatred they show to anyone who dares deviate - even slightly - from the canon is something I have never seen here. Only on the internet I can find people I can talk to. It's really depressing.

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The pipeline demolition is further removed from the American mind by major wedge issues that are filling the media. On is the roasting of Trump. This rivets the Trump lovers and haters attention to the legal proceedings.

The other is the potential outlawing of the abortion pill.

These issues are diverting public attention away from the Nord Stream and other crucial issues. It is a powerful psychological strategy. It is very effective.

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Excellent compilation of the relevant pieces and additional analysis.

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Great article with so much context it is allowing me to get friends caught up on the topic in an easy to follow way. It's been hard for me to believe but, to date, almost all of the people in my circle have no clue about (or desire to learn more about) this act of war against NATO allies and our planet...and, even those who support our proxy war against Russia all claim to be passionate environmentalists. So frustrating.

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America is a sick, vicious, criminal nation, and the infantile stupidity of its lies match the character of the shameless cretins who manage it in its decline and fall.

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We are a horrile close minded selfish nation that sanctions and bombs and assassinated those that see the world through a different lens. And we

citizens do nothing to stop it.

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" And last week, Sweden once again stated that it may never get to the bottom of the events in the Baltic Sea." I see what you did there!

Apologies for being flippant. I needed to lighten my mood.

Normal service will now resume.

That Sweden claimed it could not release any finding to Denmark and Germany was surprising enough, to say the least. Sweden may not yet be a member of NATO, but is still a fellow member of the EU with the other two nations.

As a matter of economic concern, I would have thought cooperation with Denmark and Germany would have been practised. I'm not seeing how it would affect Sweden's security either.

And then this:

"Excuses for rejecting an independent commission failed to pass the sniff test. The claim was that it would interfere with the existing investigations of Denmark, Sweden and Germany."

Again, why? 🤷‍♂️

If we assume that the US was not involved, why would be so little urgency regarding the incident.

TBH I tend not to take anything either side says at face value, the questions raised in the above article have to make one at the very least least a tad suspicious.

It's not a good look for Uncle Sam to stand aside and whistle Dixie, imho.

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