This article is awesome, it so nails the way media works and demonstrates the everyday propaganda techniques. Brilliant, thank you Jonathan you're a star.

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Excellent summary.

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Thank you for the clarity. I've personally known the double standard in western media since Oct 7th, when there was nothing on msnbc, which I have since dropped for Democracy Now. My immediate question was : Who's controlling the media? Who controls CNN, NYT, all of cable? The answer is The Jewish Lobby. Everything CNN prints has to be cleared by The Jerusalem Board. And now Satanyahoo is coming to congress. Its just sickening. Im voting for Jill Stein,who could change the system. But clueless Americans believe their only choice is a gangster felon or a genocidal war criminal. Great "Choice" America !

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Thankyou Jonathan for the work you continue to do to keep the doors of truth open for us.

I would like this post to be plastered on the walls of my home to refresh me every day. And I’d like to be able to record it, with the Consortium News piece (and also all the affirming comments which so eloquently express my own reactions), and preserve it safely to be passed onto my grandchildren as a priceless legacy.

All respect to your generosity and courage.

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There are those for whom this article should be required reading,..... daily, until they understand what it says.

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Why are you sure that Russia bombed the Childrens' hospital?

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He didn't say they did.

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Such hypocrisy of the news media and lack of moral integrity of those reporting the news. Keep informing us. Thank you!

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Another contributor on Substack said that many journalists are paid but the line or minute integrated particular media, after 3 or 4 rejections you learn that if you want to eat, you will have to write what they want or learn a new profession.

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Also relevant is how American ‘reporters’ and especially ‘foreign reporters’ get their content. Mostly through meticulously negotiated backgrounders with USG public affairs staff. I believe that the entire process is fraught with issues and mal-intent, and deserving from another article describing and analyzing how quote unquote content is delivered. What is a backgrounder, what is on the record, who is the article or content attributed to?? Etc etc. this is the process and work of a shallow system and a poisonous world view. Its aim is to propagandize the population.

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Essay started strong…

Then you lost me. Where are the numbers coming from? Gaza is a freaking mess. You can’t believe EITHER side. Genocide? How do you really know? This reminds me of Vietnam where you cannot get a straight story.

Ukraine? The billions of dollars going into Ukraine are “lost”. There is where the depopulation is going on. Millions of Ukrainians have already left the country. No men of combat age left to fight. When the Ukrainians buckled to the UK/US pressure to walk away from the negotiating table two years, it was only a matter of time before Russia won.

Feels like you led with a strong and compelling argument, and then went in direction based on narrative over accurate data…Data is the one thing we do not have.

The first casualty of war is truth.

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There are a number of independent organizations, including some Israli ones, that agree with the numbers, in fact, there is recent analysis that says there is evidence that the numbers by Hamas are a gross understatement, the true number of deaths is likely around 200,000.

As for truth being the first casualty, Israel had that in the bag 75 years ago.

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Excellent piece

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Is it true that George Soros owns the Guardian?

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I Saved You to Read Last from the Writers I Follow on Substack…I Knew how I would Feel after Reading It and the Temporary Hangover I would walk away and Fume Over. I Have an Unpleasant but Necessary Task to perform on one of My Dogs who had Extensive Surgery yesterday…I couldn’t Think of a Better Way to Spend That Emotional Hangover!

I STILL THINK WE SHOULD IN-MASS ALL DROP OUR PAYING SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE NYT’S AND WP NEWS AGENCIES! It’s a Small Gesture, But THERE IS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS! Also nothing quite like Cutting Into Profits to Get The Attention of Profit Greedy Businesses! I’m Mostly getting my News from the AP, then skim through MSM to get Their Take! The Great “Script-Out” would have to be Coordinated by Someone w/a very Large Platform for a Predetermined Day or Week for Maximum Effect!

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I would put all that much faith in the AP, true, it's not AP, but I've seen video evidence of Reuters LITERALLY staging an event in Hong Kong a few years ago.

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What a tragic situation the world is in, where trust in anyone/anything is fading rapidly. This afternoon listening to Jonathan Kuttab on Zoom on the beheading of John the Baptist (Matthew 14) discussed the similarity between Herod of the Bible and Netanyahu of today. The point made was that John the baptist was a threat to Herod's corrupt world and could not cope with the truth. Similarly today Netanyahu's corrupt government can not have the journalists telling the truth and must be eliminated as we have found out from the killing of Palestinian journalists (martyrs). The likes of you, Jonathan are today's prophets trying to tell the truth but under constant threat of being martyred.

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"But when given a name, it is called capitalism."

The runaway growth of Capital is what BigMoney is trying in vain to stifle, and that effort is the top-level reason for abominations past and present:

The <1% May Have a Plan - But it is not good news


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and see Joel Kovel: The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World? Zed Books; 2nd edition (September 1, 2007) The Enemy of Nature has been made available online here: https://www.greanvillepost.com/special/KovelEnemyofNature(2007).pdf

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Such a powerful and important piece of writing

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Yesterday, the Spanish president, before his NATO partners, said that both cases should be treated equally.

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