You smarmy, vacuous, pusillanimous troll, hiding behind your contemptible, faux-haughty, prissy persona--Atomic Statements, is it, you dick?--and bloviating your pustulant dogma as if that were education. You cowards don't use real names. Your reference to "cheek-spreading" suggests homosexuality, Queenie, and your ad hominem invective i…
You smarmy, vacuous, pusillanimous troll, hiding behind your contemptible, faux-haughty, prissy persona--Atomic Statements, is it, you dick?--and bloviating your pustulant dogma as if that were education. You cowards don't use real names. Your reference to "cheek-spreading" suggests homosexuality, Queenie, and your ad hominem invective is as feeble as your intellectual pretense. May your frantic bitterness dissolve you, you noisome excrescence.
You smarmy, vacuous, pusillanimous troll, hiding behind your contemptible, faux-haughty, prissy persona--Atomic Statements, is it, you dick?--and bloviating your pustulant dogma as if that were education. You cowards don't use real names. Your reference to "cheek-spreading" suggests homosexuality, Queenie, and your ad hominem invective is as feeble as your intellectual pretense. May your frantic bitterness dissolve you, you noisome excrescence.