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Thank you. You are one of the few journalists that I know I can trust.

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God smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the Emerods, and with the itch that never heals!

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Spot on. Our countries are being run by the most incompetent people on the planet. We are partly responsible for that because we vote in people without seeing through their pre election lies.

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You smarmy, vacuous, pusillanimous troll, hiding behind your contemptible, faux-haughty, prissy persona--Atomic Statements, is it, you dick?--and bloviating your pustulant dogma as if that were education. You cowards don't use real names. Your reference to "cheek-spreading" suggests homosexuality, Queenie, and your ad hominem invective is as feeble as your intellectual pretense. May your frantic bitterness dissolve you, you noisome excrescence.

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I have just been listening to the latest post by Russell Brand on YouTube.. same logic, just given in his own flamboyant style .. thank god for free thinkers like yourselves 🙏

Just in case you’re interested: https://youtu.be/YLJ3xAhYYUM?si=Mo02l0_5jq2luw9w

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Governing by war(s): it's like clockwork. A politician in political trouble just starts a war or an assault, avoiding scrutiny and making money for his donors as Mr. Cook says.

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Spot on, Jonathan Cook. It is simple: Stop, think for more than a few seconds. Don't look sideways or down and try to stay calm. Now look up. There they are. A small but powerful minority of cockroaches and their acolytes, setting us all against each other while they look down, smug and safe from the consequences of the terror and misery they wreak.

They think they are Gods and that the islands they have bought and the powerful super yachts and jets they have will allow them to continue the evil they are doing and escape from danger. Yet the vast majority is against them and the world is watching. Thanks to Jonathan Cook and many other wise, intelligent journalists who have left the nauseating mainstream ghouls, we have more and more insight into how they do it and that they are often the opposite of how they present through a mainstream media that is arguably more Orwellian than even Orwell imagined.

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While the first part of his welcome brief comment is vintage Cookery, the latter part is a refreshing and much needed at this time humanistic and sober reflection. I wish he gave us less of the former and more of the latter.

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Well said, I don’t know who this is but he eloquently expresses a message for the Israeli people on how they can be at peace.https://youtube.com/watch?v=yBumTNZvVvk&feature=shared

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Yes Jonathan very valid points, sadly money drives wars. The next question I am posing you and your readers though is a difficult one: why money drives war, how can we change that? If there is something fundamentally wrong with the money we use then we need to change the money. Indeed money is the foundation of our society in practical terms. This is what we all need in our lives, what we struggle and work for.

Without an honest money we cannot have an honest society. "Honest" money is a money that is not centralized, it is not corrupted, it cannot be controlled by anyone especially by the elites and the powerful interest groups which came to dominate our society exactly for that very reason: because they control the spigots of money. People do not understand how that translates into enormous privileges: "Cantillon" effect for them and debasement and loss of purchasing power (price inflation) for the rest of us, which translates in the enormous and increasing wealth gap.

Unfortunately 99,9% of the population does not understand what money is, its history, why is it that we use the dollar or euro rather than "sea shells" or gold bars, who controls money, who issues that and gains enormous privileges from the issuance at the expenses of the rest of society, what is monetary inflation and how different it is from price inflation and again who gains and who loses.

Why is that important? Because ultimately it is the current corrupted fiat based financial system which perversely enables endless wars and needs ever-increasing amount of leveraged debt to keep the system from falling. Only In a perverted system the destruction of war brings "economic growth" to some.

For those interested in delving into that issue I have tried to explain things in a simple way in the following free articles:





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Isn't it astonishing that "our rulers" do not see the obvious:

the world that their "enriching" trajectory will produce will not be fit to live in for anyone, including them. Their riches will be worthless when they can't even buy a little clean air or unpolluted food and water.

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Very well said; even I, an ESL reader, can easily understand your message. Thank you.

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Sometimes societies are just evil.

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