I agree. Listening to Polish radio 18 months/2 years ago, they were begging the yanks to station several hundred of their troops in Poland. Unfortunately, Poland is an international novice, they are completely unaware that their beloved new friend is a wolf in sheeps clothing that has occupied Western Europe since 1945 and Eastern Europe since 1991.
I agree. Listening to Polish radio 18 months/2 years ago, they were begging the yanks to station several hundred of their troops in Poland. Unfortunately, Poland is an international novice, they are completely unaware that their beloved new friend is a wolf in sheeps clothing that has occupied Western Europe since 1945 and Eastern Europe since 1991.
I agree. Listening to Polish radio 18 months/2 years ago, they were begging the yanks to station several hundred of their troops in Poland. Unfortunately, Poland is an international novice, they are completely unaware that their beloved new friend is a wolf in sheeps clothing that has occupied Western Europe since 1945 and Eastern Europe since 1991.
Honestly, I don't think that the average Pole would care if they got nuked, as long as an American patted them on the head and called them a good dog.