Indeed, it is genocide apologism. +1 about Isaac Chotiner's interview with Jacobson in The New Yorker. Chotiner presses Jacobson on basic facts, as any responsible journalist should, and Jacobson crumbles into complete incoherence in response. It is incredible. It demonstrates the incoherence, even schizophrenia, of the so-called "liberal Zionist" position when faced with evidence of human rights atrocities, war crimes, other violations of international law, and genocide.

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Have you read the interview with Jacobson in the New Yorker! It's something else!

I managed to get round the paywall by saving the article then opening the saved file in my browser.


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Jacobson has been schilling for zionist apartheid for decades now, a highly intelligent man a respected writer, all sense of morality disappears when the subject of the zionist colony comes up. However, this latest intervention would seem to represent a new low-a moral nadir. Well done, Jonathan Cooke for calling out such egregious conduct.

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They are not liberal, in a sense that they have nothing to do with liberty, they are Zionist-owned and paid promoters of a supremacist racist genocidal movement clothed with a fig leaf of forged victimhood.

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Great work as always Jonathan. Zionists have done nothing but blood libel the Palestinians , Arabs & the wider Islamic world since 1948 the accuse others what they are guilty of.

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I think a lot of this boils down to what might be termed 'decadence'. These journalists live comfy, cosy middle-class lives where they enjoy going to one another's dinner parties, where they pontificate about the state of the World in between complementing the host's choice of wine, and asking who their local charcutier is. They don't live on sink estates, they don't have to worry that the DWP will stop their benefits, they don't have to worry about choosing between buying a meal and heating their homes, and they probably don't have to rely on a crumbling NHS. So they're quite happy to smear Jeremy Corbyn and thus help to rob the UK of a government that would protect the vulnerable, and they're unfazed about the idea of a small child under a pile of rubble, waiting in vain to be rescued.

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It is difficult to be self-critical when you have become, like Netanyahu, Gallant, Smotrich, and the other boys and girls in the band, that which you most fear.

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Not only the journalists, but the public who believe it are vile. Apocalyptically vile.

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I feel sick!

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'You don’t understand man, Hamas uses human shields. Really really advanced human shields, the kind where there aren’t even any Hamas members anywhere near them. It’s just 100% human shield with 0% combatant, the most secure kind of shield there is'

Post by Caitlin Johnstone deleted by Facebook.

See 'Meta Steps Up Aggressive Censorship' by Caitlin Johnstone, Consortium News (consortiumnews.com), 9/10/24

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'It's the economy, stupid.'*

James Carville, US Democratic Party operative, 1992

Anyone want to start WW3 to save these people (from themselves)?

'...The Hamas raid triggered a number of varied responses, some of which were by design, such as luring the Israeli Defense Forces into Gaza, where they would become trapped in a forever war they could not win, triggering the dual Israeli doctrines governing military response to hostage taking of the "Hannibal Doctrine" and the Israeli practice of collective punishment, the "Dahiya Doctrine".

'Both of these doctrines put the IDF on display to the world as the antithesis of the “world’s most moral military” by exposing the murderous intent ingrained into the DNA of the IDF, a propensity for violence against innocents which defines the Israeli way of war and, by extension, the Israeli nation...'

Scott Ritter, USMC (Ret), former Marine Corps intelligence officer, former military liaison officer with the US National Security Council, former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, former visiting lecturer at West Point. (Now under investigation by the FBI.)

See 'The Fall of Israel', Consortium News (consortiumnews.com), 8/10/24.

* What is not commonly acknowledged is: 'The people ARE the economy, stupid.'

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Quote from Guy Rundel in Crikey:

"Jewish Zionists don’t know whether to take on the victimhood stance, the military supremacist stance, or both, which is how you get bizarre articles like novelist Howard Jacobson’s, published in The Guardian, which argued that the outcry about the deaths of thousands of Gazan children killed by IDF bombing is best seen through the prism of the medieval “blood libel” myth: that rabbis murdered Christian children to use their blood in rituals.

Jacobson, a one-time literary critic, capable of talking about the rhetorical strategies by which texts are made, has thus come to this position: the act of pointing to the real killing of children by the air force of a Jewish state is the moral equivalent of accusing Jewish people of a fictional atrocity for magical purposes. Go to Cambridge and learn to think this clearly. "

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Howard Jacobson is effectively ‘doubling down’ on the Jewish refutation of ‘blood libel’. Not only were the (Gentile) stories about some past Jewish communities stealing Gentile babies so as to use their blood in religious rituals challenged by this Jew but he exploits his indignation over this (which may be based on some truth after all - he cannot know otherwise) to inveigh against Gentile claims that the Israeli Jews are targeting children and babies for which sound evidence exists as I found on X. (It’s even an official Israeli policy). But no, our righteous Mr Jacobson isn’t interested in this as it’s not part of the Israeli narrative. (Though he’s right about it being so heinous as to be unbelievable but this - as with the earlier ‘blood libel’ - is not a justification for dismissing it). So he resorts to moral bullying and reveals a tendancy much in evidence amongst pro-Israel commentators (as well as moral bullying) to distort and deny just like the Israelis do seemingly as a matter of course over anything to do with their treatment of the Palestinians.

To the point Mr Jacobson, that if you deny something in this context I’d bet good money it’s true. And the shame is all yours for thinking and behaving in this way. Plus any anti-Jewish sentiment it inspires.

Do you get it now?

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Galloway referred to exactly this behaviour by corporate journalists recently, pointing out their silence in the murders of their colleagues in Gaza. Thank you Jonathan.

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Well said Jonathan. It is yet another example of the conspiracy in the West - orchestrated I believe by powerful Zionist/Jewish interests - to create a dishonest narrative about what’s happening in Palestine. And until such time as people of note are prepared to form an organised ‘resistance’ against this and sacrifice themselves by naming this ‘pogrom against truth’ for what it is - a Zionist/Jewish coup - we will flounder in the West and remain powerless to change anything.

At some point outrage, if extensive enough, must transform itself into action or be forever condemned to just harping from the sidelines.

The Palestinians know all about this transformation, of course.

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I am afraid the Zionist virus has infected all the Western media. I wrote an article back in May on the Zionist influence on the American press due to their reporting on the students protesting about the Israeli genocide. Their version of reality is so warped it is is hard to comprehend. Their lies are so outrageous one has to wonder if they are so brainwashed they actually believe what they are saying or are they simply bought and paid for.


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