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The misuse of The Sunk Cost Fallacy is entirely intentional.

The fact that NATO, the US and its vassals all insist on the most hysterical and over the top rhetoric at all times only makes WWIII that much more likely.

And of course, Poland and the Baltic satrapies are all positively itching for an open outbreak of war.

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But why? Poland and the Baltic satrapies elites would be the first to get roasted in a non-nuclear exchange... why they are aiming at self-immolation? what's the gain? I mean, Ukraine situation is in front of everyone eyes... if that's winning, you may want to lose, IMPO... Once Russia has been pushed over the edge - and it has - additionally there is no winning, because winning would mean nuclear annihilation for everyone; Unless they still think they can get regime change in the Russian Federation and surrendering, but that is a "hitler in the bunker" fantasy, at this point, to be honest; it wasn't completely insane to plan about it 12 months ago, when a potential economic collapse could be possible, but is not sane now, when China, India, Brazil, South America and Africa haven't bought into it... So what is their gammon in the game?

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A limited nuclear war is possible and cannot be ruled out. Once the initial devastation is broadcast there may be time for a rethink and declare a ceasfire. Should Russian submarines be close to the US coastline, Langley may decide on a truce and end it's quest for global military domination.

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A good question. I know the Polish mentality well (I speak about half Polish at home), and I assume that the mentality of the Baltic states is similar.

Many Poles would gladly slit their own children's throats, if that was what it took to spite Russia, especially if an American egged them on. One could say that it is pure hate, but it isn't, it's also the desperate Polish craving for attention and approval from the West, especially from the United States.

For those who claim my sentence was hyperbole, just about every Polish family has members who were murdered in cold blood by Ukrainian nationalists in 1943-44. Still, the Polish governments (and a lot of Poles themselves) now praise and lionize the literal and ideological descendants of the same people who murdered their grandparents.

Part of this is because Poland derives its value to the West from stirring up Russia, so that it can demonstrate its unswerving fealty. Take away Russia, and Poland would no longer be America's Special Friend, but a rather yappy backwater satrapy of no particular importance, sort of like Colombia with delusions of grandeur, but no cocaine.

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I agree. Listening to Polish radio 18 months/2 years ago, they were begging the yanks to station several hundred of their troops in Poland. Unfortunately, Poland is an international novice, they are completely unaware that their beloved new friend is a wolf in sheeps clothing that has occupied Western Europe since 1945 and Eastern Europe since 1991.

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Honestly, I don't think that the average Pole would care if they got nuked, as long as an American patted them on the head and called them a good dog.

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I see. I can understand the historical reasons behind trying to counterbalance German and Russian influence (and in the past aggression, no doubt) with american now, and british before, support... but self-immolation sems completely irrational and counterproductive to me... and it would be not the first time in history that, after self-immolating, they would get stabbed in the back by their supposed protectors! So, methink, we are in the "abusive relation\stockholm syndrome" psychological national disease here...

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There is some truth to that. I also see it in tones of a spurned lover who has convinced herself that some grandiose and pointless self-sacrifice will show the object of her affections how much she really loves him.

Like something out of Fatal Attractions. The irony is that America hardly thinks about Poland at all. And America takes Poland for granted when it does.

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